Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Blog topic #4

I think that the major thing that stuck out to me in Slumdog Millionaire is the actual slums. This video is of Mumbai and walking through the slums. I amazed me that people could actually live in so much poverty, and have no way to get out. National Geographic said that in Dharavi (the main slum in Mumbai) there are up to 18,000 people living in on one single acre of land. Wow, and its still not the biggest in the world, that goes to Mexico City's Neza-Chalco-Itza.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Blog Topic #6

This is an article from the day that China decided to install the "great firewall". The Chinese government is doing this because they have a major fear of people having access to free information. Things like CNN and the Washington Post are removed, and internet cafe's that did not have the blocking software that allows the government to monitor what is being seen on the internet.

The case of Huang Qi was so disturbing that someone would do this to a man, that tried his hardest to find seven missing girls, but since the gang that took them had sources with the police he was tortured. They said that he was guilty of "organizing national seperatism" and "subverting the socialist system." Only another reason that I am glad that our government is the way that it is.